Users with identical nicks on multiple servers can enjoy a summary view. NetHack Scoreboard: Retrieves logfiles from multiple public NetHack servers and provides consolidated statistics to users. Please read the available documentation/FAQs on site - NAO 3.4.3 includes many bugfixes and patches.
: The most well-known online NetHack server. Hardfought: ssh hosts 3.4.3, 3.7.0-dev, and many variants. IRC web interface: Enter a nick and #nethack as channel (or use an IRC client, or IRC browser add-on to connect). Either way, do not use the older, out of date wiki a! Contains a lot of variant info.
: Detailed game information on nearly any subject. If you forgot and realize after posting, please add the appropriate link/post flair! NetHack Please clarify the version/variant you are posting about by tagging your post at the beginning of the title, for example:, ,, , etc. Subreddit in order to discuss strategies, tips, and other help in order to ascend in the NetHack game - The Greatest Game You Will Ever Play - and its variants.